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Dunoon and Strachur join forces

By Cameron Middleton
Dunoon and Strachur join forces
Dunoon Camanachd in 2016

Local shinty clubs Dunoon Camanachd and Strachur are exploring fielding a joint side at senior level, with both clubs looking for players to commit for the upcoming season.

Although both teams have previously enjoyed senior shinty in the not-too distant past, both clubs haven’t fielded a side since 2018 as participation numbers have dwindled in the area.

Founded in 2015, Dunoon Camanachd enjoyed two seasons of senior shinty, giving the town and surrounding area a mens team in the shinty league structure for the first time ever. Strachur and District Shinty Club have been a staple part of shinty in Argyll and Bute since the clubs formation in 1880. The club enjoyed a Glasgow Celtic Society Cup victory in 1985, and have been crowned South Division Two champions as recently as 2018.

However, both clubs have struggled for numbers, as neither have fielded a team in over three years.

However, there has been talks to merge the two sides for the upcoming 2022 season, with the main aim to provide a platform for younger players who are coming through the youth ranks at both Dunoon and Strachur. This, along with the inclusion of senior players to make sure that a competitive side will be fielded, is looking to be a more sustainable option, ensuring that both clubs have a future within shinty.

Dunoon Camanachd President Roddy Cairns is looking for keen shinty players who would be willing to commit to the project. He said: “After a few years of both Dunoon and Strachur having struggled to field a side at senior level, we agreed it was worth exploring a combined team that could represent both communities. The future of shinty in Dunoon is strong, with the junior shinty setup having good numbers and the u14’s team having had some promising results recently.

“However, we need a senior team to provide a pathway for those young players to stay in the game and represent their town. The same applies to Strachur, a club with a phenomenal history. In the short term, we want to hear from players who would be up for playing for a combined Strachur/Dunoon team in the coming season.

“We’d be playing at South Division 2 level, so it’s a good level for more experienced players to slow down and pass on their experience, or for less experienced players to develop their game. In short, everyone is welcome so get in touch.”

You can contact either club via their Facebook pages to express an interest. Or alternatively, email –