IN THE penultimate instalment of our mini series highlighting community groups who have made a difference over the past year in and around Dunoon, we feature a statement from an organisation whose work has has had an enormous positive impact. In this week’s feature, we hear from Dunoon Community Council, (DCC), a group of volunteers who dedicate an inordinate amount of time to bring about the betterment of the local community. They spearhead projects and initiatives which bring people, ideas and resources together, whilst holding the local authority’s feet to the fire.
Its was a busy year for DCC members over a wide variety of projects from fundraising for the West Bay play park to the much needed restoration of a number of promenade benches.
There was also a change of personnel with new members being added to the council and a swap over for the convener’s role. The DCC also staged the largest public meeting so far concerning the controversial proposal for a nine turbine windfarm close to Sandbank. Members of the development company Statkraft gave a lengthy presentation before a frosty public Q&A session ended the event. Dunoon Community Council have submitted the following statement highlighting their achievements over 2024
It’s been another busy year for Dunoon Community Council, (DCC). The Scottish Government announced that there was funding being made available for the refurbishment of play parks across the country in April, with the West Bay play park to receive funding of £25,000. A committee was formed to look at how best the money could be spent within the limitations set by the Scottish Government; surveys were carried out to ask the public how they wanted the money spent.
We then got news of a proposed windfarm on the hills behind Dunoon. With feelings on the subject polarising the town and local social media platforms buzzing, DCC conducted a lengthy survey to find out what its residents’ thoughts were on this divisive subject. It turns out that the residents of Dunoon are evenly split on the subject. Elsewhere we played a pivotal part in creating the newly formed forum of Cowal Community Councils set up to address the CalMac, Dunoon to Gourock ferry service. This group were instrumental in getting the ferry timetable changed to better improve connectivity between the ferries, buses and trains. The Cowal-Gourock Ferry Group will be continuing to engage with Scottish Government ministers, local councils and service providers to get the best possible service for residents of Dunoon and the wider Cowal area.
Members of Dunoon Community Council have been working closely with other local groups, we now have a memorandum of understanding with the Dunoon Community Development Trust, (DCDT), and are working with the Business Improvement District (BID). Both groups have a similar goal to Dunoon Community Council, namely to help improve the town.
Recently, a long running project to refurbish some of the worst benches along Alexandria Parade was completed with eight benches being removed over the year and completely refurbished.
There have been a few members who have moved on from Dunoon Community Council in 2024 for various reasons, this has allowed new members to join our ranks, bringing with them fresh ideas and new enthusiasm. Our Convener (Tom Warren) resigned to free up time for other local projects and we welcomed our new Convener (Gill Robertson) to the Chair. Dunoon Community Council is made up of local volunteers from all walks of life, who give up their free time to try and make a positive difference to the place we call home.
With 2025 fast approaching, and promising to be even busier, Dunoon Community Council would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has attended our meetings or helped out in some shape or form. We would also like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year.