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Dunoon man found guilty of rape charges

A Dunoon man is facing a lengthy jail sentence after being found guilty on two counts of rape following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

By Court Reporter
Dunoon man found guilty of rape charges
Glasgow High Court

A Dunoon man is facing a lengthy jail sentence after being found guilty on two counts of rape following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

Brian Loughlin of Dunoon appeared in court accused of 13 offences.

Eight of these charges were withdrawn, and one was found to be not proven.

The drawn-out hearing, which was heard as a floating trial over a number of weeks, concluded on Friday (July 29), with a jury finding Mr Loughlin guilty on four charges; two of rape, one breach of the peace and another of assault to injury.

Mr Loughlin was remanded in custody immediately following the verdict.

The 46-year-old was placed on the sex offenders register and a notification was made to the Scottish Ministers in terms of section 14 of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007.

He is expected to be sentenced at the High Court in Paisley on September 7.

Full story in this week’s print edition of the Dunoon Observer and Argyllshire Standard.

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