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Dunoon woman recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours

By Gordon Neish
Dunoon woman recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours

Dunoon librarian and local studies champion Eleanor McKay has been awarded an MBE in today’s Queen’s Birthday Honours.

She was recognised for services to local studies in the community in Argyll in Bute. She launched a county-wide inventory of war memorials and the names of the fallen, ensuring their history is recorded. The World War 100 Commemoration saw her supporting local groups like Cowal’s A Call to Arms, the Battle of Loos commemoration in Campbeltown, and the Battle of Jutland commemoration in Helensburgh.

Eleanor said she was “Completely surprised – almost shocked – and totally delighted,” when she received the news.

The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2021 demonstrates the extraordinary efforts made by individuals in all four nations of the United Kingdom during the pandemic.

The List includes those who have worked throughout the crisis, putting others before themselves – from caring neighbours, frontline and community heroes, to those supporting the UK recovery.

The Birthday Honours List 2021 is the most ethnically diverse list to date, with 15 per cent of recipients coming from an ethnic minority background.

In a year that has truly tested the resolve and determination of the country, almost 23 per cent of recipients are recommended for Covid-19 service. These include recipients who have given charitable and voluntary support to communities, service in health and social care, and those who have provided critical infrastructure support.

Read about Eleanor’s reaction to her news in Friday’s Dunoon Observer.

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