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Five year battle for disabled parking bay re-marking

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By Chris Martin
Argyll and Bute
Five year battle for disabled parking bay re-marking

AN EIGHTY NINE year old Dunoon man who has waited five years for the local authority to re-mark his disabled parking bay, now fears it will never get done.

Jim Moir lives on Alfred Street and has contacted Argyll and Bute Council numerous times since 2020 to request that the severely faded lines and wording for his disabled parking bay are refreshed.

Jim told this newspaper he’s lost count how often he’s been told that the job will get done yet five years on he’s still waiting and extremely frustrated with the local authority’s inaction.

“How difficult is this to do in the space of five years? They’re well aware of the issue,” explained Jim. He added: “I phoned the council up around eight months ago and finally spoke to somebody directly who assured me it would be taken care of, but it wasn’t. So I phoned them back two weeks ago and just got the usual crap again so that’s when I thought enough is enough and decided to contact the local newspaper.”

Its clear that the disabled parking bay is a mess and the word ‘DISABLED’ is illegible, it’s been like this for the last five years despite Jim’s attempts to get the council to re-mark it.

Jim, who turns 90 in a fortnight’s time, said: “I have not seen a parking bay in the town in a state like mine. It needs completely scrapping away and redone from scratch. They re- marked it years ago but they simply just put the lines and the wording over the old lines and wording. You can actually see where the original ‘D’ of the previous markings were. It’s a mess!

“It’s that bad that occasionally people end up parking over the lines as they’re so faded. I hope the council’s roads department don’t end up just putting new lines over the old ones as that’s a complete waste of time.”

This newspaper contacted Argyll and Bute Council for an explanation as to why an 89 year old resident has waited five years to get his disabled parking bay re- marked but at the time of going to press we had yet to receive a reply.