PLANS FOR a redundant Strachur church hall to be converted into a two-bedroom accommodation unit have been given the go-ahead by council officers.
Garry Tickell’s plan for the High Hall, on Stronechrevich Lane, was awarded planning permission after no representations were made by the public.
Argyll and Bute Council officials said that the plan was policy-compliant, but noted that the village’s Memorial Hall, which has a maximum capacity of 150, was nearby.
An officer said in a handlingreport:“Thevisual impact of the proposals is considered to be acceptable.
The colour and form of the extension have been chosen to blend with existing building and are common within the area.
“The applicant has submitted the sustainability checklists which provide further information on the design and construction in relation to energy efficiency. “The proposal involves the reuse of an existing building which is a more sustainable option than a new build given the embed energy in the existing structure. The insulation within the building is to be brought up to current standards as shown in the submitted drawings.
“The layout of the interior is flexible enough to allow for a number of uses including home working if required.”
The officer added: “The developmentofthesiteisan opportunitytoenhancethe biodiversity of the woodland which will become part of the garden ground.
“A condition is recommended to secure a suitable scheme of planting and biodiversity enhancement measures in line with…policies notwithstanding the measures detailed on the drawings submitted with the application.
“In addition, a ‘tree’ safeguarding condition will be appended to the consent notice to ensure healthy mature trees are retained and root zone are not affected by the extension.”
Andrew Galloway Local Democracy Reporter