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St Andrew’s Church, Bute, holds Christmas Ceilidh in aid of roof repairs

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By Darren Adams
Argyll and Bute
St Andrew's Church, Bute, holds Christmas Ceilidh in aid of roof repairs

The parishioners of St Andrews Church and many friends, including the staff of Cancer Research who chose us as their venue for their Staff Christmas party, enjoyed a great night of dancing and laughter at the Christmas Ceilidh held in the Shinty Hall on Saturday, December 7.

A St Andrew’s Church spokesperson said: “The Bute Ceilidh Band were absolutely wonderful. Their music encouraging all to sing and dance.

“Mr Jim Bicker led the dancers with helpful instructions on the steps for the less experienced.

“All were entertained by a fantastic performance given by Kathryn Armstrong’s

dancers, which featured excellent performances from the most junior to the most senior senior dancers.”

The proceeds from the night will go to the Church Roof Fund

The spokesperson went on: “Grateful thanks must be given to to the many businesses who supported our event their donations adding to the excitement of the raffle.

“We wish to thank Duncan’s Garage, Validus Fitness Coach, Helmis, Musicker, Simply Beautiful, Callows, Nadia’s, The Dressing Room, Butterflies, Wee Zoe’s, Bute Pharmacy, The Wee Scottish Shop, Healthful Pharmacy, Bargain Buys and Gather Deli.

Also thanks for selling tickets goes to Fraser Gillies, St Andrews Primary School, Musicker and Simply Beautiful.

“The later part of the evening was given over to DJ Scott MacGregor, who knew exactly which buttons to push to push to have us all on the dance floor

“Huge thanks to the Shinty Bar staff for great service, and finally thanks to everyone who supported our event in buying tickets donating prizes and in any other way.”

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