LONG AWAITED plans to introduce a new speed management scheme in Strachur have hit a roadblock, after Argyll and Bute Council revealed difficulties in recruiting a crucial position needed to advance the project.
During Tuesday’s Bute and Cowal Area Committee meeting a Cowal ward councillor raised concerns over the lack of progress on implementing a 40mph speed limit on the A815.
The failure to fill a key post for the scheme has left the project in limbo, sparking frustration among community members who have long called for action to improve road safety in the area.
With no clear timeline for the recruitment process or the implementation of the new speed limit, questions remain over when – or if – the scheme will move forward.
Back in 2022 this newspaper reported that the A886, was experiencing an increasing flow of traffic with 40mph + lorries sweeping along the road creating a passing wind which could blow elderly and unstable pedestrians off their feet.
At the time local resident Jim Nolan approached Strachur Community Council, Argyll and Bute Council, and Argyll and Bute MSP Jenni Minto to appeal to resolve the situation and on May 13, 2022 Jenni met with Mr Nolan and around 20 other concerned residents in Strachur.
Following the visit a council spokesperson told this newspaper: “We have listened to the concerns of the community and have carried out a survey to monitor the speed and volume of traffic on the A886.
“We are now looking for a suitable location to install a Speed Indicator Device (SID) within the 40mph speed restriction of the A886. The device will advise motorists of their speed and should help reduce incidents of speeding.”
Jenni Minto MSP said after her visit: “It was very interesting to visit Strachur on Friday and to see the section of the A886 that my constituents are concerned about. Whilst I was there I witnessed a number of incidents which support theseconcernsandamkeen to support the community to find a solution.
“I am pleased that the council is putting a speed monitor in place, however I am writing to Transport Scotland to ask for an explanation as to how the policy on setting speeds is considered.”
Since then very little progress has been made and during the Bute and Cowal Area Committee the meeting on Tuesday morning councillor William Sinclair asked: “In Strachur, this has been ongoing for a substantial amount of time. I understand we are submitting a traffic regulation order at the school crossing to adjust where the 40mph speed limit starts.
“But from what I understand, all the technical stuff has been drawn out and approved and we are looking at when the Cowal engineering works will start. That goes from the A818 coming into Sandbank, and there were things planned for that but nothing seems to have happened.”
Mr Calder responded: “We are looking at countdown markers as part of funding from the Scottish Government’s road safety fund. But we have had difficulty replacing the traffic officer. We have advertised the post several times and the latest round of recruitment was unsuccessful. That is key to taking these schemes forward.
“We are trying to cover across the rest of the team. I know that a scheme is being worked on for Strachur and we are trying to progress it.”